Initiative for Human Rights in Business » swaps Tue, 21 Apr 2015 12:04:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Speech by CFTC Chair Chairman Gary Gensler: Why Regulation Matters Tue, 02 Apr 2013 11:55:06 +0000 Gary GenslerOn March 20, 2013, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chair Gary Gensler gave a speech at an International Monetary Fund conference focused on commodity price fluctuation. For the uninitiated, such an event would seem meaningless. However, Chairman Gensler gave a surprisingly succinct explanation of the futures and swaps markets and more importantly, explained why regulation is so important. Here is the transcript of that speech:

Good afternoon. Thank you, José, for the kind introduction. I also want to thank the International Monetary Fund and Christine Lagarde for the invitation to speak today at your conference on commodity markets.

 Derivatives Markets

Farmers, ranchers, producers, commercial companies and other end-users across the globe depend on well-functioning derivatives markets. These markets are essential so that end-users seeking to hedge a risk can lock in a future price of a commodity and thus focus on what they do best – efficiently producing commodities and other goods and services for the economy. Derivatives markets have existed in the United States since the time of the Civil War. Initially, there were futures on agricultural commodities, including wheat, corn and cotton. Futures allowed farmers to get price certainty on their crops. As they were planting their fields, farmers could lock in a price for harvest time. Farmers and producers also benefited from prices established in a central market, rather than just relying on competition for their harvested crops among local merchants.In these central markets, hedgers seeking to reduce risk may meet other hedgers, but often meet speculators on the other side of the transaction.

In the 1920s, Congress brought the first federal oversight to the futures market. These reforms included bringing transparency to the marketplace by requiring that all grain futures be traded on central exchanges. A federal regulator was established within the U.S. Department of Agriculture to oversee the grain futures market.

During the 1930s, President Roosevelt and Congress strengthened the common-sense rules of the road for these markets by adopting new prohibitions against manipulation, protections for customer funds and speculative position limits to promote market integrity.

By the 1970s, the futures market had expanded to include contracts on additional agricultural commodities, as well as metals.

Market participants also were considering further innovations to trade contracts on other risks in the economy, such as on energy products and financial instruments. Congress understood this and broadened oversight of the futures markets to all commodities, including any that might be developed in the future. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) was established as in independent regulator in 1975, and took on this broader role from our predecessor in the Department of Agriculture.

The word commodity in our oversight regime covers agricultural, metals, energy and financial commodities, as well as any other future to manage risk based on any “services, rights and interests.” Thus, the word “commodity” in our oversight regime is more expansive than you are generally discussing at this conference.

In 1981, a new derivatives product emerged. These derivatives, called swaps, were initially transacted bilaterally, off-exchange. While the futures market has been regulated by the CFTC, the swaps marketplace in the United States, Europe and Asia lacked oversight. What followed was the 2008 financial crisis. Eight million American jobs were lost. In contrast, the futures market, supported by the 1930s reforms, weathered the financial crisis.

President Obama and Congress responded and crafted the swaps provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act). They borrowed from what has worked best in the futures market for decades – clearing, oversight of intermediaries and transparency. The law gave the CFTC responsibility for swaps and the Securities and Exchange Commission responsibility for security-based swaps.

 CFTC Mission

As of last year, the CFTC is charged with overseeing both the commodity futures market and the swaps market. The CFTC is not a price-setting agency. The mission of the CFTC is to ensure market transparency – both pre- and post-trade. Transparency lowers costs for investors, consumers and businesses. It increases liquidity, efficiency and competition. The mission of the CFTC is to promote market integrity – to ensure that that the price discovery process is open, competitive and efficient. The mission of the CFTC is to police the derivatives markets for fraud, manipulation and other abuses. The mission of the CFTC is to lower the risks to the economy of clearinghouses and intermediaries, as well as ensuring for the protection of customer funds. And the mission of the CFTC is to ensure these markets work for the real economy – the non-financial side that employs 94 percent of private sector jobs – so that hedgers and investors may use them with confidence.

 Three years after the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act, the CFTC is nearly complete with the law’s swaps market reforms. The swaps marketplace is increasingly shifting to implementation of these common-sense rules of the road. For the first time, the public is benefiting from: Greater access to the swaps market and the risk reduction that comes from centralized clearing; Oversight of swap dealers; and the transparency of seeing the price and volume of each swap transaction, available free of charge on a website like a modern-day ticker tape.

Looking forward, it’s a priority that the Commission finishes rules to promote pre-trade transparency, including those for a new swaps trading platform, called swap execution facilities (SEFs), and the block rule for swaps. Pre-trade transparency will allow buyers and sellers to meet and compete in the marketplace, just as they do in the futures and securities marketplaces. SEFs will allow market participants to view the prices of available bids and offers prior to making their decision on a swap transaction. It’s also a priority that the Commission ensures the cross-border application of swaps market reform appropriately covers the risk of U.S. affiliates operating offshore.

If a run starts in one part of a modern financial institution, whether it’s here or offshore, the risk comes back to our shores. That was true with Bear Stearns, which failed five years ago this month, AIG, Lehman Brothers, Citigroup and Long-Term Capital Management.

Thus, as the CFTC completes guidance regarding the cross-border application of swaps market reform, I believe it’s critical that the Dodd-Frank Act’s swaps reform applies to transactions entered into by branches of U.S. institutions offshore, between guaranteed affiliates offshore, and for hedge funds that are incorporated offshore but operate in the U.S. Where there are comparable and comprehensive home country rules and enforcement of those rules abroad, we can look to substituted compliance, but the transactions would still be covered.

Changing Markets

Since the 1980s, the swaps market has grown in size and complexity. It is now eight times as big as the futures market. From total notional amounts of less than $1 trillion in the 1980s, the notional value now ranges around $250 trillion in the United States. Together, the notional value of the U.S. futures and swaps markets is approximately $300 trillion – or roughly$20 of derivatives for every dollar of goods and services produced in the U.S. economy.

The futures market has changed dramatically as well. There has been a significant increase in electronic trading. Instead of face-to-face trading on an exchange floor, more than 85 percent of the futures volume in 2012 was traded electronically. In addition, the makeup of the market has changed. While the futures market has always been where hedgers and speculators meet, today a significant majority of the market is made up of financial actors, such as swap dealers, hedge funds, pension funds and other financial entities.

For example, based upon CFTC data as of last week, only about 14 percent of long positions and about 13 percent of short positions in the crude oil market (NYMEX WTI contracts) were held by producers, merchants, processors and other users of the commodity.

Similarly, only about 18 percent of gross long positions and about 27 percent of gross short positions in the Chicago Board of Trade wheat market were held by producers, merchants, processors and other users of the commodity.

Furthermore, CFTC data published in 2011 shows the vast majority of trading volume in key futures markets – more than 80 percent in many contracts – is day trading or trading in calendar spreads. Only a modest proportion of average daily trading volume results in reportable traders changing their net long or net short futures positions for the day. This means that about 20 percent or less of the trading is done by traders who bring a longer-term perspective to the market on the price of the commodity.

Modern technology has led to other dramatic changes in the markets. With advancements in cell phone technology, a farmer in Africa or Asia can see the world prices for these markets, whether set in Chicago or elsewhere. This technological advancement greatly increases access to the markets. Farmers around the globe can more fully benefit from the competitive market. But modern technology also more tightly connects us all and highlights why we have to ensure the markets are transparent and free of fraud, manipulation, and other abuses.

Position Limits and Enforcement Authority

Since the reforms of the 1930s, the CFTC’s predecessor and now the CFTC have promoted market integrity with position limits, as well as the agency’s enforcement authority to police manipulative conduct.

 Position Limits

Since the 1930s, Congress has prescribed position limits to protect against the burdens of excessive speculation, including those that may be caused by large concentrated positions. When the CFTC set position limits in the past, the agency sought to ensure that the markets were made up of a broad group of participants. At the core of our obligations is promoting market integrity, which the agency has historically interpreted to include ensuring that markets do not become too concentrated. Position limits are a critical tool to ensure that a single trader does not accumulate an outsize position that could potentially affect integrity or liquidity in the marketplace. As required by Congress in the Dodd-Frank Act, in October 2011 the CFTC finalized a rule to establish position limits for futures, options and swaps on 28 physical commodities.

A group of financial associations is challenging this rule in court. I believe it’s critical that we continue our efforts to put in place aggregate speculative position limits across futures and swaps on physical commodities.

Enforcement Authority

In the United States, we have strong prohibitions against misconduct that can affect the integrity of our markets, which were further strengthened by Congress in the Dodd-Frank Act. Our laws prohibit successful manipulations, where the wrongdoer intended to and actually did manipulate a price. But we also cover a much broader swath of misconduct.

Our laws prohibit all attempts at manipulation, and all manipulative or deceptive schemes, where the wrongdoer acted recklessly. In addition, our laws prohibit the transmission of false information that may tend to affect the price of a commodity. These laws, aggressively and fairly enforced, are designed to protect market participants and the integrity of our markets. The international community can draw on these provisions to enhance their own regulatory regimes.

International Coordination

Other market jurisdictions have made progress on position limits and attempted manipulation provisions. In November 2011, the G-20 leaders endorsed an International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) report noting that market regulators should have and use formal position management authorities, including the power to set position limits, to prevent market abuses. Most jurisdictions with commodity derivatives markets have subsequently implemented or are moving forward on position management authorities. For instance, the European legislative bodies are considering a position limit regime for the European Union. In addition, European legislative bodies are considering proposals that would include attempted market manipulation within its regulatory framework.

As the CFTC works with our global counterparts on swaps market reform, we are advocating for a consistent approach with regard to these reforms.

The Importance of an Effective Market Regulator

In conclusion, farmers, ranchers, producers and consumers need to have confidence that derivatives markets are free of fraud, manipulation and other abuses. The end-users in the non-financial side of the economy benefit from transparency both before and after the trade. End-users benefit from open and competitive markets where no one party has an outsized position.

The CFTC is nearly complete with the swaps market reforms that have brought clearing, oversight of intermediaries and transparency to the once dark swaps market. But for the CFTC to effectively ensure market integrity, it is critical for the agency to be well-resourced. At 684 people, we are just 7 percent larger than we were 20 years ago. Simply put, the CFTC is not the right size for the new and expanded mission Congress has directed it to perform.

 U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, “Remarks of Chairman Gary Gensler Before the International Monetary Fund Conference,” March 20, 2013,

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2011 U.N. DIscussion on Speculation and Food Has Anything Changed? Mon, 18 Feb 2013 17:31:08 +0000 I watched this video of a conference during the U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York in 2011. World leaders were apprized of the serious problem between uncontrolled derivatives speculation and food prices. But the question remains two years later: has anything changed? Watch this video and see what conclusions you can draw from it.

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How Regulating Derivatives Could Lower Food Prices Mon, 11 Feb 2013 17:14:24 +0000 Here is a video interview of Robert Pollin, Co-Director of the PERI Institute, who succinctly explains the swaps-food relationship. The excerpt is taken from a longer interview that can be found on YouTube.


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The Speculator Sun, 10 Feb 2013 18:57:59 +0000 The following six videos contain a documentary about financial speculation, starting with the emergence of derivatives as a risk management tool into a financial scheme that accelerated risk around the world.

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Institutional Investors and the Right to Food Fri, 28 Dec 2012 23:24:11 +0000 While the term “institutional investor” spoken in the same breath as the term, “right to food,” seems almost oxymoronic, in fact it is not.

What links these two terms is an investment in use by institutional investors in the U.S. and elsewhere. Known as a Commodity Index Swap, it is a complex derivative sold to investors by financial institutions seeking ways to create new investment products at any cost. Unfortunately, the societal costs caused by these swaps have been profound.

As investors poured into this new asset class in 2007 and 2008, the investment capital far outweighed the available underlying commodity contracts in the global markets, driving up prices for various commodities – corn, soy, copper, oil and other commodities – to record levels.

Remember when the price of oil topped $150 a barrel?

More than a hundred economic studies have established that commodity index swaps were the primary driver behind the dramatic spike on food, energy and other commodity prices during that period. This happened largely due to the deregulated commodity markets in the U.S. and Europe that occurred in the late 1990s. Freed from the requirements of transparency and market controls that would prevent out-of-control speculation, Wall Street financial institutions were free to sell these derivatives to unwitting investors that put the lives of millions of people at risk. As noted by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, it is not commonly recognized that demand from financial investors in the commodity markets has become overwhelming during the last decade . . . But with the volumes of exchange-traded derivatives on commodity markets now being 20 to 30 times larger than physical production, the influence of financial markets has systematically transformed these real markets into financial markets.

The human rights implications of this unregulated investment are widespread. The United Nations estimates that more than 20 million people were driven into hunger as the cost of basic foodstuffs became out of reach as a result of soaring commodity prices. To understand how human rights are front and center on this issue, one need only look at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the foundational document upon which the international human rights framework is constructed states:

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services . . .

This was formalized in the interpretative language of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, a binding international treaty, which states:

The right to adequate food is realized when every man, woman and child, alone or in community with others, has the physical and economic access at all times to adequate food or means for its procurement.

With this in mind, the link between commodity speculation and the human right to food is made clear. In his final report to the Secretary-General of the UN, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, John Ruggie stated, “Business enterprises should respect human rights. This means that they should avoid infringing on the human rights of others and should address adverse human rights impacts with which they are involved. The responsibility to respect human rights requires that business enterprises: (a) Avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts through their own activities, and address such impacts when they occur; (b) Seek to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts that are directly linked to their operations, products or services by their business relationships, even if they have not contributed to those impacts.”

Herein lies the problem: Financial institutions trading commodity index swaps bear responsibility for the human rights violations committed as a result of their massive trading and unwittingly, institutional investors are now complicit in violating the human right to food and the hunger that it has caused.

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